I am not going to lie but I’ve been very much using the Quest2 to play Beat Saber almost exclusively for the past several weeks…
We have a friendly competition going and it’s been so addicting to challenge myself with the level of difficulty. I’ve been playing the majority of songs on ‘expert’ with ‘faster song modifier’ and it feels so good to get a bit of an adrenaline rush as well as some pretty good exercise. I don’t think my upper body has gotten this much of a workout on a consistent basis in a long time…(did it ever?) My whole body has been sore and muscles I didn’t know I have are hurting. But this game is just so darn fun to play that you don’t care and you push through. That’s one of the things I love about it!
It also does wonderful things to the mind. It has such a huge power of distraction as you are forced to focus completely on the task at hand (ha!, puns are fun). It provides such a release of any tension and anxiety and God knows we can all use that this year. (Is 2020 over yet?!) – much cheaper then therapy too 😉
We’ve bought the Imagine Dragon album almost immediately and it’s been great to play to more mainstream songs. I have the itch to get more new songs again or to figure out how to modify the settings to be able to play any music I want (spoiler alert…I researched ways to do it and I am not touching that anytime soon…)
I’ve noticed that there might be an app already out (or is it still in the works?) that is suppose to track your health goals and progress connected to Beat Saber. On one hand, it sounds intriguing and would be interesting to see. I do love me some organized data…but at the same time, I am worried it might take away from the enjoyment of the game since the intrinsic motivation might change.
Why is that? Why do we enjoy doing certain tasks for fun but the moment we put some kind of expectations on it, it takes away from the joy…If we take away expectations though, are we taking away the measure by which we can track progress…which inevitably makes us grow?
Either way. Try it now!